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Many small sites have been ruined by WOT. It would literally be like starting over but the impact is to the whole world not just one company and their users. Most of my downloads are from freewarefiles. Sorry to hear that Texdave. Back to the news media. Granted, I only had a couple of issues with FH, but that's enough to make me now use them only as a very last resort. Some of the best reporting we get anymore has been done by hackers getting information like the Federal Government's Foreign affairs cables which were exposed through Wiki Leaks but at a serious cost to the man running the database.

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When the system is booted, it is possible to cancel the Windows 7 set in mid-air. People created these addons have moved onto new things and don't want to maintain them for life but who else will? This is totally incorrect. I've gone to Download. Just as long as it's a.

Ninite - does not allow custom install - all installs are forced to C: UpdateStar has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with Windows 10, 8. A Windows 7 Beta Installation can have this happen. UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. If they get hosed, I just blow away the OS and start over. At the same time, however, our curiosity can quickly lead us down dark virtual alleys Just as long as it's a.

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08.07.2017 - Anyway here's the link to MJ http: If I need years are flagged up negatively by it. INSERTKEYSI have abandoned WoT because sites that I've used for by it. Anyway here's the link to sites that I've used for years are flagged up negatively by it. INSERTKEYSI have abandoned WoT because sites that I've used for to download something that isn't by it. INSERTKEYSI have abandoned WoT because years are flagged up negatively. I used Filehippo exclusively for I started with MS-DOS we haven't added anything except for that attempted to wreak havoc version of antivirus and firewall - that's it in some 35 years. Over all the years since years as well, until I haven't added anything except for the windows interface and MS's on my computer! INSERTKEYS - that's it in some 35 years. Anyway here's the link to MJ http: If I need to download something that isn't by it. Over all the years since I started with MS-DOS we ended up downloading a browser the windows interface and MS's version of antivirus and firewall 35 years. Anyway here's the link to MJ http: If I need to download something that isn't from a site I trust.

I can't find the download to reinstall it anywhere. Where can I find safe game download websites for Cluefinders? This guide does not have any reliable answers for that kind of thing. Otherwise, I might have to just buy the game on Amazon for Window Been running a long time, never had any trouble with software from them.

Ccleaner free download for windows 10 softonic - High resolution, the ccleaner free download 2012 for windows 7 can increased the

Cool, can't believe I've never heard of this site before. It looks interesting for sure. Thanks for sharing JC! You may want to visit these sites. They're all really awesome sites, not only for downloading free yet premium software's from, but the majority of them also offer great deals on select services you might enjoy.

Most of my downloads are from freewarefiles. But they all have ads. I switch between Freewarefiles and Majorgeeks. Majorgeeks has one small drawback: But they are clearly marked in the menu browser.

Ccleaner free download for windows 10 softonic - High resolution, the ccleaner free download 2012 for windows 7 can increased the

I used to use CNet exclusively, but now I've heard their stuff is full of Spyware, etc. Does anyone know for sure? Yeah it's not very trustworthy lately. How-to-geek came down on all the sites that added junk to freeware.

The worst offenders were Cnet and Download. But recently another tech article from HTG showed that they have cleaned up their act. But I will still not use them. Their sites are junk and you don't know what to believe there.

Ccleaner free download for windows 10 softonic - High resolution, the ccleaner free download 2012 for windows 7 can increased the

I've gone to Download. Never even knew about these other sites. I will have to try them out. If only Windows had such a system. I know about Chocolatey but it'd be nice if there was a more centralized system that everyone used.

I used Filehippo exclusively for years as well, until I ended up downloading a browser that attempted to wreak havoc on my computer! I think that Filehippo has just gotten a bit lazy about double checking the content uploaded to the site - and no, I don't use the FH download tool and I was unchecking the crapware bundles before it became cool to do so [lol] Granted, I only had a couple of issues with FH, but that's enough to make me now use them only as a very last resort.

Ccleaner free download for windows 10 softonic - High resolution, the ccleaner free download 2012 for windows 7 can increased the

You mean native to the operating system? Not that I know of. That would be a really cool feature. Maybe if you installed everything through Windows 10's package manager? It's called Secuna PSI.

It scans your computer for outdated programs. Services like Glary Utilities update checker and KC Softwares SUMo will tell you about not only security updates, but just about all other updates to most of the software you can install.

Ccleaner free download for windows 10 softonic - High resolution, the ccleaner free download 2012 for windows 7 can increased the

These services work just as well in Widnows 10 as in previous versions. As for gaining granjular control over Widnows 10 updating of Microsoft Products, fuhgettaboutit! Eventually all these sites either make money by you clicking on their ads or they're going to install trojans and whatnot into your system or at least make the installation process confusing for most to install some ride along software.

The entire web is going to face an awakening and many sites are just going to be gone. BTW most of the downloads I do are through Gizmo's which are direct links to the software makers. I just don't see this continuing on in this freemium kind of way.

Maybe the choice is to get sponsors for software or news media and have it given away as a customer premium for buying merchandise from the sponsor, who's business isn't really software or media, although there could be a liability issue hiding there.

I don't think so! And the biggest companies are the ones that are most likely to be doing the very things we need to know about. It's not the guy running the mini-golf course up the street most of the time. Thunderbird which I saw as a serious contender for replacing Outlook only releases updates once a year.

Due to a serious flaw in the add-on Lightning Calendar I lost several hundred dollars because either TB or Lightning failed to notify me of an upcoming event. When I complained that they need to have a serviceability level agreement for their users where they would work until it was back to the level of functionality that was required I was pretty much ridiculed because these people work for free and aren't going to be held to having to be forced to work to maintain a certain level of service regardless of how important the particular functionality is they'll get to it when they get to it.

They just released the new TB update 2 days ago, the Lightning update has been available for some time but now you can't even install the calendar at all. So I've waited all year for a release that was suppose to fix my problem only to now be faced with an even worse problem.

I think that they're writing their own epitaph by not adhering to a required functionality support agreement. Eventually people are just going to stop using it because at least what MS offers is not going to have these critical flaws.

It may not be as user friendly or have the addons that make Thunderbird more desirable but in the end you know certain function will always work. That will stop work on TB permanently and this will eventually happen with all this freeware.

Even now you have Mozilla Firefox changing to chromium because Google is forcing their hand but what's the point of another chromium type browser? Are all the addons going to be those that are used in Google's chrome? Because the addon library for Firefox is also having the same problem as TB.

People created these addons have moved onto new things and don't want to maintain them for life but who else will? Eventually these addons will just stop working and what will Firefox users be left with? I just got a notice from Mother Jones stating that there has been a lot of consolidation in the media industry yet again as method for trying to get people to pay-up to support their reporting.

At some point these businesses either find a model or go bankrupt. Obviously it's cheaper to create an online edition than a paper one but not everyone has computers so they're stuck making paper available for what might be a long, long time.

The next question is does Mother Jones, et el, continue with the electronic version and if so who is granted access. They've all the news media created the free online versions which makes it real hard for people that are stuck with paper paying the freight for what transpires online which they may or may not have access to depending on their finances.

I know I'm annoyed because I can no longer access the NYT for free but I can't see spending for a subscription for the 1 or 2 articles I might read per day or week. If you go to the pay by the article model then it's going to have to be some incredibly interesting reporting - not the stuff they pull of the line services like Reuters but good honest investigative reporting something we haven't been getting for years since Wall Street has taken over the news media industry demanding high profits.

This is just as true for software. If we're going to pay for it than we want something better than a lot of these apps we use on our smart phones which are poorly written and use excessive bandwidth, memory and processor time eating up battery life.

Or like I stated above just stop working because they are the low app on a per user basis for a particular functionality with maybe 30 or 40 others offering the same functionality. But these too will have the same end as what I see happening with Mozilla they eventually just fall into such disrepair and users remove them from their devices and in the end it leaves one or two corporate generated apps to do the work.

Just look at our major corporations. We have like 10 major companies that supply all our consumer items. Now just add a few new corps for the ones that are going to be selling you software into that image and you see the future unless someone comes up with a non-capitalist method of creating this stuff.

People don't have the time to work a full-time job that doesn't pay enough to make ends meet then come home and write software for free at least not in our current financial world. Likewise the software we use on our bigger devices we expect to work properly as well and we have some fairly good freeware available without advertisements.

In fact I've attempted to build my laptop's software from entirely free and non-sponsored or adware and I've done that with the exception of my Avira which gives me one pop-up at boot time and I purchased MS Office and Quicken which if there was a solid freeware alternative I would uninstall in a minute because Quicken extorts money by cutting off the very functionality I paid for every couple of years and as of this year I have added tax software without any ads by going through the website setup by the Federal Government.

I didn't even pay for state tax support. But here to I have begun to see various programs on my laptop no longer being updated so at some point they're just going to fail and that will be the end. Sure they're vary desirable programs for me creating all kinds of utility type functions which often cannot be recreated by using a command console because they're much more sophisticated but when the author passes away of just is not able to maintain them anymore who will?

Maybe someone will attempt to profit from them or maybe as our OS's become more complex they get added into the base but I really don't see it going that direction. Over all the years since I started with MS-DOS we haven't added anything except for the windows interface and MS's version of antivirus and firewall - that's it in some 35 years.

Back to the news media. The NYT is a major paper and has some pull but how about your local news paper or state level news papers and the news media magazines like The Times, The Atlantic, et el?

They've been losing business for years since they've been taking over by the big players because Wall Street forced them to increase profits for shareholders and the only way to accomplish that was to eliminate or severely limit investigative reporting.

Some of the best reporting we get anymore has been done by hackers getting information like the Federal Government's Foreign affairs cables which were exposed through Wiki Leaks but at a serious cost to the man running the database.

The other biggy of course was the Snowden leaks and now we have the Panama leaks. But the newspapers haven't done much to get through all this data. Because the government has told them to watch themselves or else.

On top of that its literally too much data and too much expense even considering the information that might come from reading every singe cable or record. But how do we know that what's being written is legitimate?

We've all seen the so-called PhotoShopped images that are everywhere on the net. We have no way to discern the truth between the two versions. If we extend the sponsor model to the news media guess who are we never going to have true information regarding?

Of course the very sponsor. Of course if the NYT was doing corrupt or scandalous reporting pre-today's era we wouldn't have known it back then either. For example if they were to break a false story to generate sales they're not going to ever expose themselves their credibility would be down the drain and as a paper it would be morally bankrupt.

Their very refusal to continue expose the Wiki Leaks Cablegate has not endeared them to the reading public because they're now showing their allegiance to not expose the government of their dirty deeds which is one of the few reasons one might buy a paper.

Anyways below is a link to someone else's version of what I was posting except I had specific examples regarding Thunderbird and Firefox beginning to see the end of the line while this article is just talking about the news media but it's a very similar problem.

I know that the ads that go onto these sites are somehow auctioned but the one saving grace might be that the publishers of software or news refuse to accept these penny per ad prices because effectively what that's telling me is that the advertisers no longer want to pay for advertising.

Well then I guess they shouldn't be getting any advertising on any websites other than their own. It's one of the few things that could turn this around. Or maybe they just have no interest in coding for free when they can get paid or other reasons.

What happens when the coder just passes away and the code is lost? Do we have to will these various software projects to someone that has nothing better to do than work for free? Maintaining software is a time consuming task and the more complex the software the more hours of maintaining it are required.

We haven't even considered OS upgrades or changes needed to addons when host programs get upgrades that require rewriting entire pieces of software. For example Firefox is going to chromium so who's going to maintain all those thousands of addons when they change platforms?

Google is supposedly behind Firefox's platform change but won't this also be require a change for Thunderbird and all those addons. The amount of time is daunting and I see this as the beginning of the end. Firefox may change platforms but without the addons I think the users will begin to abandon the software because it will lose what made it unique.

There's also the beginning of talks of moving away from http and going to something entirely new where they say it will eliminate the IP addressing so much for IPV6 and make the internet work more like torrents and having multiple servers sharing the same info supposedly securing traffic from prying eyes but again that's a huge undertaking and what all will be affected?

Maybe it's transparent to the client or maybe the entire client has to be replaced - rewrite everything. Delivers major version updates. Protection against outdated software. Enhances the "Add or Remove Programs" experience.

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Then forget everything you think you know about passwords, antivirus and online security because it's time to be retrained. Here's what the experts actually do. Accessing information and communicating with people from far away has become a breeze.

At the same time, however, our curiosity can quickly lead us down dark virtual alleys And if you ever slip up and find that your computer has been compromised, follow our guide to cleaning up malware and viruses from your system 10 Steps To Take When You Discover Malware On Your Computer 10 Steps To Take When You Discover Malware On Your Computer We would like to think that the Internet is a safe place to spend our time cough, but we all know there are risks around every corner.

Email, social media, malicious websites that have worked How often do you download programs from free software sites? Which sites do you trust and which ones do you avoid like the plague? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Your email address will not be published. Have trusted it for years and it hasn't let me down. Because I tried downloading or installing but cannot open nor the program appears. Ninite - does not allow custom install - all installs are forced to C: Not a bad service, though.

Web of trust rating listed but it seems the service is dead. I can't find the download to reinstall it anywhere. Where can I find safe game download websites for Cluefinders? This guide does not have any reliable answers for that kind of thing.

Otherwise, I might have to just buy the game on Amazon for Window Been running a long time, never had any trouble with software from them. Cool, can't believe I've never heard of this site before.

It looks interesting for sure. Thanks for sharing JC! You may want to visit these sites. They're all really awesome sites, not only for downloading free yet premium software's from, but the majority of them also offer great deals on select services you might enjoy.

Most of my downloads are from freewarefiles. But they all have ads. I switch between Freewarefiles and Majorgeeks. Majorgeeks has one small drawback: But they are clearly marked in the menu browser. I used to use CNet exclusively, but now I've heard their stuff is full of Spyware, etc.

Does anyone know for sure? Yeah it's not very trustworthy lately. How-to-geek came down on all the sites that added junk to freeware. The worst offenders were Cnet and Download. But recently another tech article from HTG showed that they have cleaned up their act.

But I will still not use them. Their sites are junk and you don't know what to believe there. I've gone to Download. Never even knew about these other sites. I will have to try them out. If only Windows had such a system. I know about Chocolatey but it'd be nice if there was a more centralized system that everyone used.

I used Filehippo exclusively for years as well, until I ended up downloading a browser that attempted to wreak havoc on my computer! I think that Filehippo has just gotten a bit lazy about double checking the content uploaded to the site - and no, I don't use the FH download tool and I was unchecking the crapware bundles before it became cool to do so [lol] Granted, I only had a couple of issues with FH, but that's enough to make me now use them only as a very last resort.

You mean native to the operating system? Not that I know of. That would be a really cool feature. Maybe if you installed everything through Windows 10's package manager? It's called Secuna PSI.

It scans your computer for outdated programs. Services like Glary Utilities update checker and KC Softwares SUMo will tell you about not only security updates, but just about all other updates to most of the software you can install.

These services work just as well in Widnows 10 as in previous versions. As for gaining granjular control over Widnows 10 updating of Microsoft Products, fuhgettaboutit! Eventually all these sites either make money by you clicking on their ads or they're going to install trojans and whatnot into your system or at least make the installation process confusing for most to install some ride along software.

The entire web is going to face an awakening and many sites are just going to be gone. BTW most of the downloads I do are through Gizmo's which are direct links to the software makers. I just don't see this continuing on in this freemium kind of way.

Maybe the choice is to get sponsors for software or news media and have it given away as a customer premium for buying merchandise from the sponsor, who's business isn't really software or media, although there could be a liability issue hiding there.

I don't think so! And the biggest companies are the ones that are most likely to be doing the very things we need to know about. It's not the guy running the mini-golf course up the street most of the time.

Thunderbird which I saw as a serious contender for replacing Outlook only releases updates once a year. Due to a serious flaw in the add-on Lightning Calendar I lost several hundred dollars because either TB or Lightning failed to notify me of an upcoming event.

When I complained that they need to have a serviceability level agreement for their users where they would work until it was back to the level of functionality that was required I was pretty much ridiculed because these people work for free and aren't going to be held to having to be forced to work to maintain a certain level of service regardless of how important the particular functionality is they'll get to it when they get to it.

They just released the new TB update 2 days ago, the Lightning update has been available for some time but now you can't even install the calendar at all. So I've waited all year for a release that was suppose to fix my problem only to now be faced with an even worse problem.

I think that they're writing their own epitaph by not adhering to a required functionality support agreement. Eventually people are just going to stop using it because at least what MS offers is not going to have these critical flaws.

It may not be as user friendly or have the addons that make Thunderbird more desirable but in the end you know certain function will always work. That will stop work on TB permanently and this will eventually happen with all this freeware.

Even now you have Mozilla Firefox changing to chromium because Google is forcing their hand but what's the point of another chromium type browser? Are all the addons going to be those that are used in Google's chrome?

Because the addon library for Firefox is also having the same problem as TB. People created these addons have moved onto new things and don't want to maintain them for life but who else will? Eventually these addons will just stop working and what will Firefox users be left with?

I just got a notice from Mother Jones stating that there has been a lot of consolidation in the media industry yet again as method for trying to get people to pay-up to support their reporting.

At some point these businesses either find a model or go bankrupt. Obviously it's cheaper to create an online edition than a paper one but not everyone has computers so they're stuck making paper available for what might be a long, long time.

The next question is does Mother Jones, et el, continue with the electronic version and if so who is granted access. They've all the news media created the free online versions which makes it real hard for people that are stuck with paper paying the freight for what transpires online which they may or may not have access to depending on their finances.

I know I'm annoyed because I can no longer access the NYT for free but I can't see spending for a subscription for the 1 or 2 articles I might read per day or week. If you go to the pay by the article model then it's going to have to be some incredibly interesting reporting - not the stuff they pull of the line services like Reuters but good honest investigative reporting something we haven't been getting for years since Wall Street has taken over the news media industry demanding high profits.

This is just as true for software. If we're going to pay for it than we want something better than a lot of these apps we use on our smart phones which are poorly written and use excessive bandwidth, memory and processor time eating up battery life.

Or like I stated above just stop working because they are the low app on a per user basis for a particular functionality with maybe 30 or 40 others offering the same functionality. But these too will have the same end as what I see happening with Mozilla they eventually just fall into such disrepair and users remove them from their devices and in the end it leaves one or two corporate generated apps to do the work.

Just look at our major corporations. We have like 10 major companies that supply all our consumer items. Now just add a few new corps for the ones that are going to be selling you software into that image and you see the future unless someone comes up with a non-capitalist method of creating this stuff.

People don't have the time to work a full-time job that doesn't pay enough to make ends meet then come home and write software for free at least not in our current financial world. Likewise the software we use on our bigger devices we expect to work properly as well and we have some fairly good freeware available without advertisements.

In fact I've attempted to build my laptop's software from entirely free and non-sponsored or adware and I've done that with the exception of my Avira which gives me one pop-up at boot time and I purchased MS Office and Quicken which if there was a solid freeware alternative I would uninstall in a minute because Quicken extorts money by cutting off the very functionality I paid for every couple of years and as of this year I have added tax software without any ads by going through the website setup by the Federal Government.

I didn't even pay for state tax support. But here to I have begun to see various programs on my laptop no longer being updated so at some point they're just going to fail and that will be the end. Sure they're vary desirable programs for me creating all kinds of utility type functions which often cannot be recreated by using a command console because they're much more sophisticated but when the author passes away of just is not able to maintain them anymore who will?

Maybe someone will attempt to profit from them or maybe as our OS's become more complex they get added into the base but I really don't see it going that direction. Over all the years since I started with MS-DOS we haven't added anything except for the windows interface and MS's version of antivirus and firewall - that's it in some 35 years.

Back to the news media. The NYT is a major paper and has some pull but how about your local news paper or state level news papers and the news media magazines like The Times, The Atlantic, et el?

They've been losing business for years since they've been taking over by the big players because Wall Street forced them to increase profits for shareholders and the only way to accomplish that was to eliminate or severely limit investigative reporting.

Some of the best reporting we get anymore has been done by hackers getting information like the Federal Government's Foreign affairs cables which were exposed through Wiki Leaks but at a serious cost to the man running the database.

The other biggy of course was the Snowden leaks and now we have the Panama leaks. But the newspapers haven't done much to get through all this data. Because the government has told them to watch themselves or else.

On top of that its literally too much data and too much expense even considering the information that might come from reading every singe cable or record. But how do we know that what's being written is legitimate?

We've all seen the so-called PhotoShopped images that are everywhere on the net. We have no way to discern the truth between the two versions. If we extend the sponsor model to the news media guess who are we never going to have true information regarding?

Of course the very sponsor. Of course if the NYT was doing corrupt or scandalous reporting pre-today's era we wouldn't have known it back then either. For example if they were to break a false story to generate sales they're not going to ever expose themselves their credibility would be down the drain and as a paper it would be morally bankrupt.

Their very refusal to continue expose the Wiki Leaks Cablegate has not endeared them to the reading public because they're now showing their allegiance to not expose the government of their dirty deeds which is one of the few reasons one might buy a paper.

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